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What People Are Saying...

Dear Mr. Chalupa,
   Your best option is to contact the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) directly.
   To contact the FAA office serving your area, please see: (USA) (International -- office listings begin on page 35)

The toll-free FAA Consumer Hotline (in the USA) is:
Outside of the USA, the FAA toll number is: (202) 267-3484
The hotline operates from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday, except holidays.

Otherwise, you might write to FAA General Inquiries at:

Information Service Staff
National Transportation Library
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
U.S. Department of Transportation

   Very glad to see that there are people out there that care about aircraft passenger safety. I myself made a thesis of the subject.

Couple of critical questions:

Have you figured out a mechanical process for ejecting the passenger/cargo compartment?

Have you seen the compartment ejection systems in use on the elint EF111, and the B1B strike aircraft? They use the same process. Are you the patent holder of this design implemented in these aircraft?

Regards to you,
E-Plane Project

Looks like a good idea, with limited applications.

My question is how many crashes occur in which there is time and altitude to implement your ejection module method? If the plane flies into a mountain, it won’t help. If someone takes over the cockpit, it won’t help. If the plane explodes, it won’t help. If two planes collide in the air or on the ground, it won’t help.

How many lives will it save? What percentage of deaths from crashes will it stop?

How much will it cost?
Charles Medlock,
Principal Broker
Discount & Distressed Real Estate


Interesting ideas but beyond my scope - I focus on ground transportation only - and it's a big task. The website looks good and I wish you luck in getting some interest from the FAA or NASA.

    - Jerry Schneider -
    Innovative Transportation Technologies

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