Let's Get the Ball Rolling
Stefan Chalupa
11508 Ridgley Road - Ridgley, MD 21660-1259
Fax: 410-364-5921 - Home Phone: 410-820-2164
New Product Developer ~ Safety Aircraft ~ "Patented Segmented Safety Aircraft"
I have contacted many manufacturers which all tell me my idea is not needed at this time.
I realize that you are probably a very busy person and your time is valuable but if
you would take a moment to sign and send this paper to the FAA we all could benefit.
FAA officials have stated - Off The Record - that if 100,000 signatures come through
their offices ... they would have no choice but to consider the fact that the people who
ride these planes want to ride a safe plane. Cars have gotten airbags much in the same manner.
There has to be something done to protect the passengers from the possibilities of trouble
with older planes flying in an ever increasingly crowded sky. There is a real need for this product.
(Segmented Safety Aircraft) Patent #5,356,097 will be the way of the future with your help.
The aircraft to be made will use most of the technologies that you already experienced.
Loved ones are looking to you for answers and I believe the answer is here. I have
constructed a 6ft. model of a 767 for anyone to go over to see what changes need to be
put into place. At this time we are looking for a business to license. If there are any
questions, I can be reached at the numbers above.
We will very soon have an address back up here for you to help us get this plan put
into motion - it seems the FAA is having trouble figuring out who should be handling
this matter, wether or not there should be a Docket ID# and where it should be sent.
This should be cleared up in a couple of days. This update was asked to be put in place
by the FAA Branch of the Department of Transportation on Sept. 27, 2001. Please come back
very soon. Until they get it sorted out we will continue to send them to George Duckett.
You can also call this Toll Free number to talk directly to the FAA. 1-866-289-9673